Herbal Doctor and Spell Caster

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How I Slept With My Husband’s Boss to Get Him a Promotion.

I’ve been married for 13 years and my husband has been working at this company most of that time. My husband was promoted into another department about three years or so ago, and that’s when his new boss came into the picture.

He made it clear he was attracted to me from the beginning. Every social gathering or dinner we had, he always made sure to compliment my appearance, what I was wearing, how good I smelled, etc.

I noticed he didn’t do that with his female employees or his male employee’s wives. But he always did with me. He also had very touchy feelings with me, always a hand on my shoulder, the small of my back, that sort of thing.

And constantly staring at my boobs. I made it a habit to not wear anything loose or tight around him but it didn’t matter he still would zero in on my chest. I mentioned to my husband several times over the years that his boss was hitting on me. But his boss never did it when he was around. So my husband didn’t see him acting any differently towards me, so he’s not sure what to believe. Last year I was laid off from my job. This development really hurt us financially. At the same time, my husband was a finalist for another promotion with five others. He started working nights and weekends to get ahead and make himself noticed so he can be promoted.

At Mashuja day party, his boss approached me, hand around my waist again, while my husband had gone off to play in the volleyball tournament. I quickly turned the conversation to him working hard for this opportunity and his boss asked me to walk with him. We walked along a path away from everyone and he told me that my husband needs something to make him stand out as a candidate. I did not reply to the entire conversation but it was here that he told me if I slept with him, my husband would get the promotion because he can’t get there on his own. So I accepted and gave in. Two weeks later, we made a rendezvous at one popular hotel downtown Nairobi. However, before the agreed date, he sent me weird gifts like sex toys, bunny ears, spandex overalls, and panties with holes in them. He also kept sending me messages on WhatsApp. However, I was lucky for my husband not to realize since he was busy trying to get the promotion.

Finally, the day came and I slept with his boss at the hotel. While my husband was at work I spent the day with his boss having meaningless and boring sex. I had no idea how his boss was able to get the day off and spend the day having sex but he did. And right before the middle of August my husband is promoted. On hearing the news, my husband called me and shouted in jubilation. He said we had to throw a party to celebrate the promotion to which I agreed. I was very happy for him so we made a guest list and among the guests was also his boss. At first, I objected but didn’t want to seem a little awkward in front of my husband so I let it go. Come the day of the party, the guests arrived and the party went on smoothly.

However, towards the end of the party, the boss came to me and said he wanted another round. He kept telling me how he couldn’t forget my sweetness and wetness. Deep down I knew the risk this posed for my relationship with my husband but I thought that if I let him have it one last time, maybe he would become content and leave me alone.

However, even after the second time, he was still relentless and still wanted more. He started stalking me and sending me messages threatening to fire my husband. He became sticky to me and I feared my husband would find out so I went out to seek a solution. That’s when I landed on Kiwanga Doctors. I had heard about their powerful spells for quite some time so I decided to put my trust in them. I made an appointment and soon we met and the spell was released.

Long story short, that boss was transferred to another country two days later. I saw his message when he was saying goodbye to me and lamenting that he would never forget me as if saying I had caused his transfer. That’s how my husband and I managed to secure his job and also how I got rid of a toxic and clingy side dish. All thanks to Kiwanga Doctors. I advise anyone with any kind of problems to visit Kiwanga Doctors.

Kiwanga Doctors do a diagnosis on their clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one’s life such as challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others. Kiwanga Doctors’ spell casting powers work within 24 hours from when they are released. Many others who have been assisted by Kiwanga Doctors say they have received powerful healing and are now living their best lives. The doctors also solve life’s challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work, and clears away devilish spirits and dreams.