Herbal Doctor and Spell Caster

+254 769404965 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM (Mon-Fri)

I lost an expensive necklace, this is how I recovered it

At the beginning of 2019, me and my Mushi (boyfriend) were randomly discussing how we would celebrate Christmas that year and we ended up deciding to do a gift exchange. We decided not to go overboard with each other because we are saving up to put a deposit down on our new house at the coast of dar-el-salaam, and some money for some furniture, so that we can get into a nice place together in the following year (2020). We both currently live at home in similar situations, both to be around to help our parents out and to live for a reduced rent to save up. We have been dating for 3 years.

So, we had a 2 million Tzsh budget on each other. So come Christmas, I got him a new play station gaming console and a few little trinkets and some jumper that had Ali Kiba's picture on it. Meanwhile he got me some T-shirts, 4 new pairs of jeans, and a pair of boots. Really normal awesome gifts. But then, he pulled out one more present for me.

It was a diamond necklace. Yeah! a genuine diamond necklace, he comes from a wealthy family and his grandmother had left it for him as inheritance. His grandmother had passed away in July. I was a little taken aback because we had agreed to keep it small, but he assured me it was within our rules because he didn't pay for it, he inherited it. It was such an indescribably special moment that I immediately felt extremely guilty he was giving it to me. He said that he wanted to gift it to me because he intends on spending the rest of his life with me and he couldn't think of anything more special than the necklace to show me that. It was basically almost like a promise ring but in necklace form. I know that sounds kind of juvenile or silly, but I'm not sure how else to describe it, it kind of felt like a symbol that he intended on proposing in the next little while. He wanted something really special to show me how he felt.

It's not that I was ungrateful that he gave it to me or anything, it was drop-dead stunningly beautiful, it's just that I honestly felt like he shouldn't have given it to me just because of the value it holds in their family. Anyway, I get the necklace and try it on and oh my God, it was sparkling. I couldn't wait to show off on my friends back in my home town of Malindi. I felt like I was on top of the world. Honestly I didn't know how to express my feeling about receiving such a valuable gift. Anyway, long story short, as we are soon moving into our new house, I make arrangements on how I will shift my property from my parents house to our new house. I rush to the truck park and make a booking the company that will help me transfer my property. It was a lot of stuff including suite cases, books, shelves and so much more. I couldn't move with it in a smaller car. I pack my property and load it on the truck.

However on reaching my new house, I soon realized that one suite case was missing as we were offloading the luggage. I was sure I had loaded it. My heart sipped a moment and I almost lost my breath. My mouth dried up as I could not believe it. It was the suite case with my jewelry and the diamond necklace that my boy friend had given me. I feared to tell him at first as I was wondering what he would think of me. "Will he believe me? He will think I'm irresponsible! What if I didn't pack it, but I remember leaving my room empty. The truck guys could have stolen on e of my suit cases."I thought to myself. Thoughts kept going through my head for the following day. I lost weight and couldn't think properly as I didn't know what to do. I waited for opportune moment to tell him about my ordeal.

At first I didn't know how to start but somehow I gathered confidence and faced my fears and decided to some to terms with what had happened. I felt it owed it to him to tell him about the expensive gift he had given to me. To my surprise, he didn't seem very shocked. I was very worried as how could someone lose something very expensive and still remain calm. He calmed me down and asked me to go bring his phone. He had left his Samsung s10 in the room as he had just come from work. I handed it to him but I was very timid. He scrolled through as if looking for a contact and finally he found it. He made a call and as soon as the person on the other end picked up, he put the phone in loud speaker. He told me that he had called Kiwanga doctors and I had to explain exactly what happened on the day that suit case was stolen.

I went over the story once again with Kiwanga doctors. The doctor said he would do a retrieval spell for me and all I had to do was just wait. When I got off the phone, Mushi lifted me up, kissed me and then carried me to bed. He told me to just wait tomorrow and see the results of the spell. Early in the morning the following day at around 5:00 am, I hear dogs barking and I wake up Mushi to go and see what could be the matter. At around the same time, the askari, calls me and said "Madam! there is a man here who says he has your suite case." I told him to wait for me. On reaching the gate, when he an saw me, he quickly knelt down and asked for my forgiveness. I was patient at first and asked the askari to open the case. I had to make sure that all my property was there, but I was more interested in the necklace. On going through the contents of the case, everything was still intact. To my surprise, even the necklace was there. I ran to Mushi in disbelief and thanked him for believing me and also helping me.

I advise anyone with a similar problem to visit Kiwanga Doctors. Kiwanga Doctors help you return lost property, challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others. Kiwanga Doctors' spell casting powers work within 24 hours from when they are released. They handle general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurately foretelling one’s future. Many others who have been assisted by Kiwanga Doctors say they have received powerful healing and are now living their best lives. The doctor also solves life’s challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams.