Herbal Doctor and Spell Caster
I am Patrick from Kakamega County and my job entails hawking of washing detergents in offices; soon am getting into marriage with a beautiful lawyer.
For six years I have been moving around offices within Kakamega town hawking my stuffs for a living and to support my parents back home in Shinyalu. I also have siblings who depend on me because I am their elder son.
I didn’t see this coming but it was until one of my friends in town who narrated to me how he got to marry a high school teacher. He told me he used Powerful Love Spells which he secured from a traditional Doctor. He mentioned Doctor Kiwanga. I did really gather immediately what he was speaking bout until the time he told me about going through a spell cast so that any woman can get into love with anyone regardless of status. get a wealthy lady, I called Kiwanga who cast for me the Love Spells and one evening when I was doing my usual sales job around the town, I bumped into the lady who is a lawyer. She stopped her car to buy something and asked for my phone number promising to buy more from me. I didn’t see this coming! Two days later she called me for lunch and one thing led to another. Believe or not, I have slept with her twice and she has asked me to marry her. She told me I am very sweet.
As we speak she has opened a joint account with me where she already deposited sh 2 million for our wedding. Thanks Kiwanga.
The doctors also solve life’s challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardship in business, increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams.